Creative Youth Development Track Schedule
Three Thursdays: 10/21, 10/28, 11/4
This track focuses on authentically amplifying youth voice and leadership in community arts education through grounding practices that dismantle adultism in our programs, organizations, and collective efforts. Adultism is the systematic mistreatment and disrespect of young people which in turn disregards their power and rights as full human-beings. Learn more about creative youth development (CYD).
View the full schedule, including the other three learning tracks, here.
View all presenter bios and headshots on the People page.
Learn more about the Session Formats—Grounding Practices, Make/Think/Share Studios, Real Talk Salons, and Armchair Travel Tours.
Week 1: Healing for Self (Monday, October 18–Thursday, October 21, 2021)
Thursday, October 21—Creative Youth Development Track
3–4:30pm ET—Real Talk Salon
Title: Artistic Youth Revolution: Empowering each other and ourselves
Description: This all young artists panel will share the ways they navigate power struggles with adults and tips to empower yourself.
Presenters: Afroetic, Brianna Bryant, Trinity “Trini” Lugo, Seamus Schwaba
6–7:30pm ET—Make/Think/Share Studio
Title: Unpacking Adultism
Description: We will be showing a short documentary created by youth called ``Adultism vs Ageism: The Prejudice against Young People". We will then lead attendees through a reflective jamboard collage making space, and give everyone an opportunity to share their collage.
Week 2: Healing for Collective (Monday, October 25–Thursday, October 28, 2021)
Thursday, October 28—Creative Youth Development Track
3–4:30pm ET—Real Talk Salon
Title: Building healthy relationships between youth and adults
Description: Whether building an organization, creating an event, or organizing a local network, youth leadership must be centered from the beginning. Come here for this intergenerational panel.
Presenters: Delashea Strawder (Adult Accomplice in Detroit, MI, Mosaic Youth Theatre), Tanykia (Diamond) Davis (Youth Leader in Detroit, MI, Mosaic Youth Theatre), Karolina Bermudez (2021 National Young Artists Summit Planning Team Member), Lissette Martinez (2021 National Young Artists Summit Adult Accomplice)
6–7:30pm ET—Make/Think/Share Studio
Title: When art and gardening come together healing happens
Description: Youth will discuss the impact of art and gardening and how they have used it in an impactful way of healing and self-expression while working alongside adult mentors.
Presenters: Earl's Garden Mae's Kitchen Community Garden
Week 3: Healing for Movement Building (Monday, November 1–Friday, November 5, 2021)
Thursday, November 4—Creative Youth Development Track
3–4:30pm ET—Real Talk Salon
Title: Mobilizing Your Community With Art
Description: Hear young artists and their adult allies express their stance on a certain issue affecting their community and allow them to truly describe how it makes them feel, and what they’re doing about it.
Presenters: Art and Resistance Through Education (ARTE), Mosaic Collaborative
6–7:30pm ET—Make/Think/Share Studio
Title: Social Circus: Flipping Creative Youth Development Strategies
Description: Participate in circus-inspired engagement activities while surfacing challenges of incorporating CYD values and practices within existent community arts education organizations.
Presenters: Audrey Spinazola (Program Manager, American Youth Circus Organization), Magnificent Farrell (Social Circus Committee Member, American Youth Circus Organization), Indi McCasey (Social Circus Committee Co-chair, American Youth Circus Organization)
8–9pm ET—Creative Youth Development Track Reflection Space
Description: Join in on a collective reflection space to share takeaways and insights from all Creative Youth Development track sessions. What have we learned to deepen our practices and commitment to the work? What affirmations have we seen reflected in the stories we've heard and the dialogues we've shared? What calls to action do we wish to make as we look to the future?
Armchair Travel Tour (asynchronous session—registrants watch in their own time)
Title: Latino and African American Voices in a Mural: Disrupting Space
Description: How the intentional and exclusive use of Spanish language in program development leads to disruptive spaces and community in a youth mural project.