Photo from Guild member: M3 | Mitchell Media & Marketing, LLC

Learn More About Our New Branding

National Guild for Community Arts Education

  • Membership

    Our 400+ members across the U.S. are transforming communities through arts education. Membership is "pay what you can".

  • Programs

    Our programming aims to strengthen practitioners, organizations, and the field as a whole, so that you can better support your community in connecting with their creative power.

  • Racial Equity

    We are on a racial equity journey ourselves as an organization, and our programming aims to address racial justice as a crucial part of community arts education work.

Over the past decade the Guild has helped me so much and has had such an impact on Villa Musica’s evolution...The leadership skills that I gained and continue to gain have been invaluable.

Fiona Chatwin, Founder and Executive Director, Villa Musica, San Diego, CA

Our Story

We develop current and emerging leaders at hundreds of organizations nationwide to maximize the impact of arts education, strengthen and sustain programs, and generate innovative solutions.

  • Students alt text

    2.5 Million

    Students served through in school, out of school, and community programming

  • Alt text here longer than others for testing

    8 Million

    Americans reached through performances and exhibitions

  • Teaching artists alt text


    Teaching artists employed

Help Transform Communities Through the Arts


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Let's Cultivate Community Arts Education Together!