Catalyzing Creative Aging

Photo courtesy of Pasadena Conservatory of Music (2018–2019 Catalyzing Creative Aging cohort)
The Catalyzing Creative Aging program was paused in 2020 due to the pandemic. We are not accepting applications for a new Catalyzing Creative Aging cohort at this time. The Guild is currently taking time in a Portal of transformation to reimagine and rebuild all programs.
The National Guild’s Catalyzing Creative Aging program is a multi-phase initiative designed to support the establishment of new creative aging programs at nonprofit arts education organizations nationwide. We have served 3 cohorts of creative aging practitioners from 2017-2020.
Research shows that professionally-led, arts education for older adults fosters positive aging. Nonprofit arts education organizations are uniquely positioned to play a leading role in providing innovative programming for an aging population that is living longer, healthier lives.
The program is presented in partnership with Lifetime Arts and provides group training, one-on-one coaching, and funding to community arts education organizations in order to:
The following organizations participated in the 2019-2020 cycle:
Thank You to Our Generous 2019 Catalyzing Creative Aging Supporters