Message from Quanice: June 2023

June 28, 2023

Dear Guild Family,

I often reflect on how the transformative power of love manifests in community arts education. Love unites and liberates us, infusing our work with purpose and meaning. It is through our love for the arts that we find the courage to explore uncharted territories, experiment with innovative techniques, and express ourselves authentically. Love emanates as a profound commitment to fostering inclusive spaces where individuals of all backgrounds feel welcomed, celebrated, and empowered to explore their creative potential. 

Such spaces allow us to cultivate intergenerational connections, honor the wisdom and creative spirit of all community members, and nurture empathy and understanding. Artistry becomes a catalyst for personal growth and community transformation. By fostering creativity and providing tools and support, community arts educators contribute to the flourishing of our shared human experience.

With these reflections deeply etched in my heart, I am inspired to harness the transformative power of love within the realm of community arts education. Let us collectively ensure equitable access to arts education by creating inclusive spaces where artistry and community intertwine, where all individuals can thrive and find solace, and where the magic of artistic expression becomes a beacon of hope and social change.


Portrait photo of Quanice G. Floyd. She is wearing a black jacket and has red and black braided hair. The Capitol building can be seen behind her.

Quanice G. Floyd
Executive Director

Published: June 28, 2023