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June 23, 2022 Guild News

Farewell to Development Manager Kate Riley

Today we share the bittersweet news that after 4 years of service, Development Manager Kate Riley is leaving the Guild to pursue new opportunities.

June 17, 2022 Guild News

Rest as Resistance

Everyone deserves rest—not only on special occasions, and not only in order to improve our productivity. Our fullest capability to challenge oppressive systems and imagine new ways of being becomes accessible when we stop rushing, and rest.

May 26, 2022 Guild News

Membership in the Portal

We are grateful to our members for continuing to support and connect with us during this journey. While we’re in the Portal, we will add a 6 month extension to all memberships with start dates of January 1, 2022 and later...

May 19, 2022 Guild News

Why a "Portal"?

Last week we announced our plans to slow down, learn how we can better support you, and put our values and principles into practice by entering what we're calling a Portal of transformation.  Why a "Portal", you ask?

May 03, 2022 Guild News

Announcing the Portal

The tradition of science fiction and speculative fiction tells us that it takes time and space to imagine and dream up a world before you can build it. And that work, in itself, is radical and profound. We’re dreaming up a way of getting where we want to go.

April 26, 2022 Member News

The Hochstein School Appoints New President & Executive Director

The Hochstein School has announced the appointment of Hilary Field Respass (CAELI ‘11) as President & Executive Director as of July 1, 2022. Respass succeeds Peggy Quackenbush, a member of Guild board of trustees for many years and a recipient of the Guild’s Milestone Award.