Groundwork Community Agreements

The Guild is moving toward an anti-racist, anti-ableist, and anti-ageist future. While we are learning as we go, we are also action-oriented. We are naming and committing ourselves to structural change. We will hold one another accountable. We will center joy and healing. We are cultivating the world we want to manifest. Along with our racial equity principles, we offer the following agreements to help us all cultivate our shared Groundwork learning community in these aspirations.*

How we show up:

  • Be present. Honor your longing to be a part of the Groundwork gathering. Balance this with your own capacity and wellness.
  • Be brave, vulnerable, open & authentic. Model this for everyone. In this way, we will move together at the speed of trust and growth.
  • Hold grace for yourself and others. Invite curiosity. Mistakes help us all grow. While unlearning is uncomfortable, changing your mind can be a beautiful opportunity!
  • Deepen your tolerance for complexity. We don’t & won’t have all of the answers. Hold and honor the questions that reveal themselves.

How we practice together:

  • Use “I” statements. Speak from your own experiences rather than generalizing.
  • Prioritize access and learning new ways of welcoming. We will work to honor and learn together as everyone has different points of entry and access needs.
  • Remain open-minded. Respect differing opinions. Listen thoughtfully to one another’s stories.
  • Make space/Take space. If you are naturally someone who processes out loud, make space for others to articulate their thoughts, too/If you are naturally someone who observes and processes internally, take space to share out loud what you see, think, feel.
  • Treasure confidentiality. Ask permission. Prioritize consent. What is said here stays here, while what is learned here leaves here.
  • For those who choose to participate in the Groundwork online forum, we will be mindful of the Groundwork Forum Code of Conduct.
*To hold true to these agreements, if anyone engages in racist/bigoted behavior, Groundwork facilitators have the right to remove the person from the space and any future Groundwork convenings and the online forum.