November 19, 2018 Member News artworxLA Partners with LAUSD to Support Student Graduation "One of main things that I hear when I come here is laughter. I walk into a classroom and I see engagement. I see students who are interested in what they're doing, excited to be exploring."
September 12, 2018 Guild News Education Commission on the State Releases CYD Policy Brief Creative Youth Development is a long-standing practice that fuels students’ potential by intentionally integrating creative skill-building, inquiry and expression with positive youth development principles.
August 23, 2018 Field News Wallace Foundation Appoints New Director of Arts Bahia Ramos has been selected as The Wallace Foundation’s new Director of Arts. She will lead both the arts program unit and the interdisciplinary team responsible for the strategic design and implementation of Wallace’s initiatives in the arts.
July 20, 2018 Field News Resource: What School Leaders Can Do to Increase Arts Education The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) recently collaborated to release a guide for school leaders on effectively increasing arts education.
May 31, 2018 Field News New Research: Benefits of Arts Integration Programs, Possibilities for Funding Community arts educators advocate strongly for the importance of arts integration in K-12 schools.
May 09, 2018 Guild News National Guild Joins Host Commitee to Welcome DOE Chancellor On Wednesday May 9, 2018, New York City arts educators welcomed Richard A. Carranza, the new Department of Education Chancellor. The National Guild participated as a member of the host committee.
April 02, 2018 Field News Why Dance and Math Deserve Equal Footing in Education In a recent article for TED, Sir Ken Robinson argues that dance education should receive equal attention in schools when compared to other core subjects, such as math.
March 26, 2018 Member News MacPhail Center for Music and Austin Public Schools Announce $11 Million Dollar Partnership MacPhail Center for Music and Austin Public Schools announce a significant boost to their partnership in the form of an $11 million building renovation and addition, thanks to the generous support of The Hormel Foundation.
January 21, 2018 Member News NPQ: Wisconsin Conservatory Business Model Thrives with Public School Partnerships A recent article in Nonprofit Quarterly (NPQ) details how the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music (Milwaukee, WI), once on the verge of closure due to financial difficulty, moved “beyond crisis-fueled fundraising to develop a much more sustainable business model.”