Complete CYD Toolkit Series Now Available

The Guild is excited to have completed the CYD Toolkit Seriesan 8-part, free virtual learning series featuring dynamic online conversations with youth, experts, funders, and practitioners to explore new paths forward for supporting youth through creative youth development practice. Thank you to the CYD National Partnership, Americans for the Arts, the Clare Rose Foundation, and all of the guest speakers. 

Recordings of all of the webinars in the series are available in our Resource Center. Practitioners will especially benefit from these conversations as they strive to support youth during this time of ongoing, intensified crises.

Topics include:

CYD and Social Justice in the Classroom

Working in Social Justice

Trends in CYD

Working With Youth

Advocacy and Policy

Preparing Artists and Educators

Funding, Sustainability, and Partnerships

Program Evaluation


You can access all of the webinar recordings here.

Published: June 26, 2020