Association of Teaching Artists (ATA) and the Teaching Artists Guild (TAG) have announced that after over a year in the works, they are merging! They will begin a joint strategic planning process led by Studio Pathways in January 2021. They will also hold a national teaching artist convening in February.
From their announcement: “We know that, by combining our efforts together, we can better serve the national teaching artist community. We’ve already seen the power of this combined effort since the onset of COVID-19. TAG and ATA, along with many of our arts education leaders in the nation, were some of the first to respond to how the COVID crisis was affecting teaching artists, their work, their livelihood, and ultimately, our future as a field.”
We congratulate ATA and TAG, and look forward to seeing what their combined forces can do to even better support teaching artists!
Read more on ATA’s website.
Published: December 15, 2020