Guild Picks / Web Content

Creating Place: The Art of Equitable Community Building

Published: 2018-06-26

Published: 2018

Created by: Alternate ROOTS

Creating Place is a multimedia collection of explorations, reflections, challenges, and offerings to the national dialogue around creative placemaking, created by ROOTS members. The resource, both a PDF as well as an online collection, includes numerous contributions from the field:

  • Creative Placetaking: It’s a Thing!, Vicki Meek (Dallas, TX)
  • Empowering Women at the Border as Creative Placemaking, Dora Arreola (Tampa, FL)
  • Making How Away from Home, Ashley Minner (Baltimore, MD)
  • I am Powerful: Reclaiming and Uplifting the Power, Space, and Voice of Incarcerated Youth, Jeree Thomas (Richmond, VA)

*This resource is a July 2018 Guild Pick, which means that while not created by the Guild, we feel it offers a valuable contribution to the field.